
 AE1234速卖通卖家网  1510  2022-04-18 02:15

有关发FTW1亚马逊仓库的通知: 所有发FTW1亚马逊仓库邮编:75241,后程走快递派送的货物,因FTW1仓库跟UPS合租了一个第三方仓库,UPS会把货放在第三方仓库里,导致很多货物实际已正常派送到第三方仓库签收了,但官网却没有跟踪提取签收记录,第三方仓库收到货后,还要等仓库有库容了再从第三方仓库拉去上架。导致迟迟显示没有签收和没有上架的情况,客户损失很大。鉴于此情况,建议此亚马逊仓货物,请您尽量改成卡车派送。








1.A line of semitrailers is always waiting to get into the fulfillment center, named FTW1 in Amazon parlance. It stretches from the warehouse entrance all the way down a frontage road off I-20. delivery lines at this fulfillment center are constant, regardless of the time of year.

从它从仓库入口一直延伸到 I-20 附近的临街道路,

2.The line takes up one of the two frontage road lanes. Both lanes are one-way, so other vehicles can get by. After delivering their loads, drivers then park behind the 500,000-square-foot warehouse and along nearby roads to wait to pick up their empty trailers.

B.FTW1这个送货的仓库的道路是Both lanes are one-way,两条车道都是单向的,这影响了通行其效率,很多车辆是停在临街车道上的,又因为送货的卡车多是12英尺高的大型卡车,类似这种,美国小伙伴的送货车,这样的车辆停在路边容易引发交通事故,所以FTW1仓库附近亚马逊也聘请了很多兼职交通管制人员来尝试减轻卡车在路边排行所带来的风险。
Eventually, Amazon hired part-time traffic control personnel to try and mitigate the risks posed with having trucks lining the side of the road。


“Amazon has booked way more loads than they can handle,” . “Doing so means trucks have to park out on the street, resulting in a hazard to themselves and others, or even a ticket from Dallas police. There’s an easy solution to this problem — just reduce the number of bookings.”
Amazon said the company is aware of the problems at FTW1 and is actively working to correct them by fixing the warehouse’s scheduling and increasing sorting capacity.亚马逊表示,该公司已意识到 FTW1 的问题,并正在通过修复仓库的调度和增加分拣能力积极努力纠正这些问题。

“This site fluctuates in inbound freight volume, which sometimes impacts wait times for trailers entering our yards,” Amazon said in an emailed response. “This is a known issue in the industry that is not unique to Amazon, and we are looking for ways to identify a solution.”
亚马逊回复说:“这个网站的入境货运量波动,有时会影响拖车进入我们堆场的等待时间。” “这是行业中的一个已知问题,并非亚马逊独有,我们正在寻找解决方案的方法。”



国外有个网站叫Better Business Bureau®,我们常说别BB,国外就是这个BBB,就是商业改善局,上面对FTW1的吐槽和投诉高达26234条,这完全是引起民怨了。


I have spent 16 hours, and still waiting to get to the gate. My appointment was 9pm , and I arrived here about 7:30pm. This is ridiculous, because in this trucking business time is money. My advice to truckers ; be ready to wait a whole day (24hours) for your delivery, and most importantly truckers should start charging double pay on the Rate Confirmation, maybe this will ginger the management of company to make the necessary change. Please see the sleeper time as at the of writing this review。

2.卡车司机的噩梦.7小时以上的等待.5小时以上的卸货时间.没有停车场!没有贩卖机!甚至没有厕所!truck driver’s nightmare! 7+h witting 5+h drop lode ! No parking No food. Even got no restroom !

3.入口极其难找尤其是在晚上it’s so difficult to find the entrance especially in the night, I wish they could put some signs to guide us like the other Amazon center dose.

4.卸货是慢  一个小时站排 六个小时卸货  平均


6.这个地方对运送货物的承运人的不尊重令人震惊,这绝对令人震惊。他们停止这种疯狂的唯一方法是所有承运人都拒绝运送亚马逊商品。杰夫·贝佐斯 (Jeff Bezos) 忙于飞往太空,他应该关注公司的内部运作。没有我们卡车司机,他就没有公司。我再也不会接受亚马逊的负载了.....
This is absolutely appalling that the disrespect this place has for the carriers that deliver their goods is astounding. They only way for this madness to stop is all carriers refuse to ship Amazon goods. Jeff bezos is so busy flying to space that he should be paying attention to the inner workings of his company. Without us truck drivers he would have no company. I will never take a Amazon load again.....

7.我非常失望。我过去曾在亚马逊工作过,从来没有像司机那样被警卫过得如此糟糕。我将确保不再将货物运送到此位置另外,办理登机手续很慢。我在下午 3 点在该地点进行了下午 5 点的现场卸货,我们仍然会坐在这里,现在是晚上 7 点,还有 4 辆卡车回来。
I am  extremely disappointed. I've worked for Amazon in my past and have never been treated so poorly as a driver by the guard shake. I will make sure I don't deliver goods to this location again,Also, it is slow to get checked in. I was at the location at 3 pm for a 5 pm live unloaded, and we'll still sitting here, and it's 7 pm still 4 trucks back .
8.等了 17 1/2 小时才拿到门!如果您珍惜时间,请不要来这个位置!有史以来最糟糕的亚马逊!尽管他们在警卫小屋的所有 3 条车道上工作的 1 个人很酷而且很专业。
Waited 17 1/2 hours just to get a door! If you value your time do not come to this location! Worst amazon of ALL time! Even though the 1 guy they had working all 3 lanes at guard shack was cool and professional.

9.如果这是一个选项,我会给它一个零。一直在服务路上等待 9 小时登记入住。当他们说你会在这里 10 小时时,你最好做好准备。门口的女孩(非裔美国人)非常粗鲁。更新。第二天早上 9 点,总共 18 小时,完全不能接受。I would give it a zero if this was a option. Been on the service road waiting to get checked in for 9hrs.. when they say you will be here 10hrs, you better be prepared. Girl at gate(African-American) very rude. Update. 9am the next morning total of 18hrs totally unacceptable.

10.今天是星期天晚上,我有一个晚上 8 点的约会,门口没有卡车等着。我在晚上 7 点 20 分到达门口,因为我正在卸货,所以我在第三车道。晚上 8 点 10 分,我得到了一个码头号码,放下,断开连接,离开了院子。Today is Sunday night and I have an 8pm appointment with no truck waiting at the gate.  I arrived at the gate at 7:20pm because I was live unload so I was in the third lane.  8:10pm I got a dock number, put down, disconnected, and left the yard.

11.我希望我能给他们减去100000颗以上的星星,这还不够。我从10个小时开始就在这里,眼前还有5辆卡车。现在他们从下午6点到晚上8点休息。这意味着如果运气好的话,我会在12小时后到看守所里。糟透了哦,我真要等不及再下班,因为我真的不知道要多花几个小时。我肯定会拒绝的下一个负载。我忘了告诉你,这里的这些人很粗鲁.I wish I could give them minus 100000+ stars and that isn't enough. I'm now here since 10 hrs and I have still 5 trucks in front of me. Now they are making a break from 6 to 8pm. That means if I have luck I'll be at the guard house after 12 hours. That sucks. Oh than I have to wait to get unloaded for I really don't know many more hours. The next load I'll refuse that is for sure. I forgot to tell you that these people here are very rude

12.我曾经在 5 小时内送到门口的最糟糕的地方现在我必须坐在门口,而我身后的每个人都必须等到我接到门的电话#稍后会知道要卸载多长时间..!!!放下拖车后,您必须离开并等待他们给您打电话,并有 30 分钟的时间返回并取走您的空车,否则他们会将其移至溢出位置!
更新:现在是 02:26,还没有接到电话,我刚刚追踪了拖车,已经搬到了哈钦斯的外面。!!!对不起MF..!永远不会回来..!!!The worst place I have ever deliver at 5 hrs to the gate now I have to sit at the gate while everyone behind me has to wait until I get call with door# will find out later how long to unload..!!! After dropping the trailer you have to leave and wait for them to call you and have 30 min to go back and pickup your empty if not they will move it to the overflow location!!
Update: Its 02:26 and haven't received a call yet I just tracked the trailer and has been moved to the outside location in Hutchins .!!! Sorry MFs..!! Never coming back..!!!

13.现场卸货是地狱准备等待 10 多个小时。这条线需要永远移动,女警卫在排队等了 5 个小时后才给了我一个问题的态度。永远不要在这里预订负载。你将拥有的最糟糕的经历之一。值得零星.Live unloading is hell here be prepared to wait 10 plus hrs. The line takes forever to move and the guard women gave me attitude just for asking a question after waiting 5 hrs in line. Never book a load here. One of the worst experiences you’ll ever have. Deserves zero stars


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