
 AE1234速卖通卖家网  686  2024-03-26 09:56





  • 变体必须属于同一产品您只能为同一产品创建变体,这些变体必须共享一些共同的属性。例如,如果您销售 T 恤,您可以为不同颜色、尺寸和款式的 T 恤创建变体,但您不能为鞋子或配件创建变体。 

  • 变体必须具有共同的属性变体必须具有至少一个共同的属性。例如,如果您创建了基于颜色的变体,每个变体必须具有相同的尺寸和款式。 

  • 变体必须具有唯一的 SKU在亚马逊上,每个产品都必须具有唯一的 SKU,这也适用于变体。每个变体必须有自己的唯一 SKU,以便在亚马逊上进行跟踪和管理。

  • 变体必须符合亚马逊的规定和标准为了在亚马逊上销售产品,您必须符合亚马逊的规定和标准,包括产品质量、标识、安全和合规等方面的要求。 

  • 变体必须使用正确的变体属性在创建变体时,您必须使用正确的变体属性,例如颜色、尺寸或款式。您应该在亚马逊卖家中心中查找每个产品的变体属性列表。请注意,不同类别的产品可能有不同的规则,请确保您符合适用的规定和标准。如果您需要更多帮助,请查看亚马逊的帮助文档或联系亚马逊的卖家支持团队。







  • 按照官方的建议,后台通过修复商品页面路径开case修改,按照要求提供带有品牌Logo、UPC商品的包装信息。如实提供,不要P图。
  • 先拆分父子变体,用模板更改子体的品牌,然后再进行合并。
  • 用VC账号修改,如果自己没有VC账号,那么联系服务商帮忙修改。一般情况下,他们是使用VC账号进行修改的。


  • 大类不一致的情况下合并成功。


  • 系统识别问题,需要客服刷新重新识别(时间漫长)


  • 子体绑到其他父体









  • 不要劫持父变体: 把毫无相关的子变体加到父变体下面,利用其它产品的评级与好评增加销售。

  • 不要将新一代的产品加入前代产品的子变体中: 尽管从前代产品升级,但已经是完全不同的东西,明显是想借前代产品的评级增加销售。

  • 不要子变体再利用: 这是最常见的滥用情况,将一个现有的子变体图片跟介绍改成另一个,目前最新的手法是利用久未销售的ASIN,达成子变体再利用,避免被其他卖家投诉。

  • 尽量避免使用有违背常识性原则或者违法法律法规信息内容作为子变量信息使用.

  • 不要在多个listing中使用相同SKU信息.

  • 不要使用价格促销信息作为子变量信息.

  • 尽量避免使用真实姓名作为子变量信息.

总之如果你故意使用违背常识性原则或者违法法律法规信息内容作为合并对象信息,就会有很高的风险被封号! 所以大家在使用时要尽量遵守规则,避免问题!


  • 查询警告信息一定要仔细阅读分析邮件,全面排查可能导致违规问题的行为,弄清楚自己到底哪些ASIN有违规行为。
  • 解除/删除违规变体调整ASIN内容或者变体组合,对已经出现违规的ASIN已经做出了相应的修改(解除或者删除违规变体)。
  • 撰写有效的行动计划(POA)进行完上述的操作后,就可以撰写POA了,说明账号有哪些具体的违规行为,并叙述事情发生经过;重点阐述为解决本次违规问题已经采取的行动,比如调整后的变体列表、以及对具体调整内容的操作过程进行描述,并提供证明信息;阐述因为此次违规,未来将制定怎样一套可行的解决方案。


Dear Amazon,

We are writing to apologize for the variant policy violations on our product listings as follows:

1. Incorrect product information provided for parent ASIN B0C5N****

. Upon review, we discovered we incorrectly bundled together two unrelated products - a back massager (ASIN3) and two foot massager variants (ASIN1, ASIN2) by listing them under the same parent ASIN. These products are distinctly different, and we sincerely apologize for the confusion and violation of your variant policies.

2. Incorrect selection of variant theme. We incorrectly used the variant theme of "color" across multiple, upgraded product versions. The product variants ASIN1 and ASIN2 are two separate, differently featured products - ASIN1 comes with a stand, while ASIN2 does not have that accessory. Our variant theme implies they are simply two color of the same product, which is not accurate. We should have created separate listing pages to properly differentiate these products.(Additional instructions for both products)

There are several main reasons for this problem

1.Human Error: We inadvertently provided incorrect or misleading information for the product variants in question. Our staff made mistakes in accurately uploading product images, dimensions, details or other attributes, which resulted in the violation. We will re-train staff on proper procedures to minimize the risk of human error going forward.

2.System Glitch: There was an unforeseen technical issue with our product database and listing software that caused improper information to publish for these product variants. We have updated our systems and technology to resolve the glitch, strengthened system checks and will closely monitor new listings in the coming weeks to ensure no other issues.

3.Improper Product Categorization: The products in this ASIN were improperly categorized internally, leading to incorrect product details being provided for the different variants. We have updated our product information in all company databases to properly categorize these items by variant and all their unique attributes. This will ensure accurate product data publishing moving forward.

4.Lack of Oversight: We did not have proper controls and oversight in place to catch these incorrect product variant details before they caused issue. We will be improving compliance controls, review processes and accountability across departments involved in product listings to provide necessary oversight and prevention of future violations.

5.Ambiguous Variant Policy: There may have been some lack of clarity or confusion in our understanding of Amazon's specific policy regarding product variants, which allowed these violations to occur. We aim to gain any additional clarification or education needed on variant policies to eliminate any ambiguity and strengthen our knowledge and procedures. Increased policy understanding will drive continual improvement to compliance.

We take full responsibility for these policy violations and the resulting customer confusion. Compliance with all Amazon policies and providing an optimal customer experience are our top priorities as sellers on your platform. We clearly failed at both in this instance.

Since notification, we have completed the following corrective actions:

1. Removed back massager (ASIN3) from the current parent ASIN and delete the page. All options and images for the foot massagers (ASIN1, ASIN2) have been moved to their own, properly differentiated ASINs.

2. Re-trained all staff involved on accurate selection of variant themes based on the products in a listing. Staff now have a clear understanding of when product variants require separate ASINs to avoid violations.(Additional training documents)

3. Correct product categorization in all internal databases. Our product databases and enterprise resource planning systems have all been updated to properly define product variants for this ASIN. All product information in every system has been aligned to match actual inventory and represent product details accurately to avoid confusion or incorrect product data publishing again in the future.

4. Full compliance and listing review within 7 business days. Within 7 business days of receiving notice of this violation, we will have conducted a full compliance review of all product variants for this ASIN and across our product catalog. Any other issues identified will be immediately corrected, and updates made to our training, procedures and systems as needed to strengthen policy compliance and prevent violations from recurring.

5. Standard Operating Procedures. Establish strict standard operating procedures for creating or updating variant listings to meet policy standards every time. Include checks and sign-offs to minimize human errors or oversight. Document procedures for training and accountability.

The steps we have taken to prevent the misuse of variations happen again.

1. Continually educate yourself on Amazon's variant policies. Stay up-to-date with Amazon's requirements for managing product variants, including details on when separate parent ASINs are needed, proper selection of variant themes, providing accurate product attributes and more. Ongoing learning is key to compliance.

2. Develop standard operating procedures. Create clearly defined SOPs for listing new products, adding product variants, updating product details or making other changes. Ensure all teams involved in your product catalog follow consistent procedures that meet Amazon's policies. Documented SOPs minimize errors and support compliance.

3. Increase oversight and internal controls. Add additional approval layers before product listings or variant changes go live, such as review by compliance teams or senior management. Internal controls provide oversight to catch any issues early and prevent violations. While technology can help, human oversight is still critical.

4. Conduct routine compliance audits. Regularly audit your existing product catalog, especially product variants, to detect any inaccurate information or non-compliant listings. Make any necessary corrections to resolve problems immediately and avoid policy violations. Ongoing audits help identify issues proactively before Amazon does.

5. Invest in tools and software. Utilize technology solutions that can help facilitate and enhance compliance, such as tools for validating product data or automatically flagging potential issues for internal review. Technology, combined with optimized processes and human oversight, creates an effective compliance program. But technology alone is not enough.

6. Analyze the root causes of any violations. If you do receive a violation notice from Amazon, determine what exactly in your systems or processes broke down to allow the violation to happen. Then update your controls and operations to close those loopholes and prevent the same failure again. Continual improvement based on experience is key to sustainable compliance.

7. Remain transparent in your communication. Explain any situation openly and honestly to Amazon, take responsibility for your failures and share the solutions you implement to resolve issues. Your transparency in these communications builds trust in your commitment to compliance and continual optimization as a seller.

With investment in the right tools, training, expertise, communication and consistent commitment to compliance, We can strengthen our understanding of Amazon's variant policies, fortify defenses against violations and drive continual optimization of our product listings. The key is developing sustainable solutions through policy knowledge and operational excellence. This help outline an effective approach to preventing future variant issues. Let me know if you have any other questions.

 标签: Now 管理 EPR
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